INFO/WWW: Non-occlusive disease of the mesentery is associated with circumstances that may compromise circulation or the intake of drugs that may lower mesenteric blood flow. The incidence is increased in patients with arteriosclerosis and in the aging population. Pathophysiologically, a "low flow syndrome" of mesenteric circulation is followed by vasoconstriction. Histopathological changes vary between superficial localized lesions and transmural gangrene. Therapy is aimed at the rapid correction of predisposing and precipitating factors and an effective treatment of mesenteric vasoconstriction. Treatment of choice is a papaverine infusion into the superior mesenteric artery via an angiography catheter. Patients with peritoneal signs have to be treated surgically.
We owe this case to Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bair, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
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