INFO/WWW-LINKS: Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic recurrent inflammatory disease of the large bowel and involves always the rectum and sometime the terminal ileum (Backwash ileitis). Symptoms are blood and mucus PR accompanied with diarrhoea. Patients with colitis ulcerosa have got an increased risk of carcinoma of the colon. Radiological appearance of colitis ulcerosa are loss of haustra, mucosal distorsion and inflammatory pseudopolyps. In contrast to Crohn`s disease colitis ulcerosa affects continously and especially the rectum. Crohn`s disease - a chronic inflammatory disorder - may affect any part of the gut - especially the terminal ileum. There are ulcerations, fistulae and granulomata. Unlike ulcerative colitis the whole wall of the bowel is affected. Crohn`s disease means predisposing risks to large and small bowel cancer. Radiological appearance of Crohn`s disease are deep and superficial linear ulcerations, cobblestoning, bowel wall thickening, strictures, skip lesions, Pseudodiverticula and fistulae.